Third Trimester of Pregnancy: Symptoms

Third Trimester of Pregnancy: Symptoms

What are the symptoms of third trimester pregnancy?

You’re stepping into a world where your body and emotions ride their unique rollercoaster. Here’s what you might experience in the third trimester:

1.Practice Contractions (Braxton Hicks): These are like sneak peeks of labor – a bit unexpected and uncomfortable but not quite the main event. If they start feeling more than practice, getting in touch with your doctor is a good idea.

2.Tiredness: Brace yourself for feeling pretty exhausted. Your body’s working overtime on the baby-growing front, so feeling wiped out is part of the deal. 

3.Backaches: With your belly growing, backaches are likely to tag along. Try a cozy bath, gentle prenatal yoga, or a comfy maternity belt for those backaches. And hey, a sweet back rub from your partner? That’s the best kind of magic for soreness!

4.Breathlessness: You might get winded more easily as your baby grows. Take things slow, focus on sitting up straight, and remember, a little walk can do great.

5.Frequent Bathroom Visits: Your little one pressing on your bladder means you’ll be visiting the bathroom more often. Cutting back a tad on drinks before bedtime can save you some nighttime trips to the bathroom, remember to keep sipping water throughout the day!

6.Heartburn: With all the hormonal changes and your uterus growing, heartburn can become a frequent visitor. Eating little meals and dodging the spicy stuff helps with heartburn. And remember, milk or an antacid can be a quick fix!

7.Swollen Feet and Ankles: Expect some swelling thanks to your body’s extra fluids. Elevate your feet when you can, and wear comfy shoes.

8.Varicose Veins: You might notice varicose veins popping up as your circulation works overtime. Keep moving to help your circulation, and compression stockings can significantly help.

9.Hemorrhoids: As your uterus expands, it can lead to hemorrhoids. Adding more fiber to your diet and enjoying warm baths can help ease the discomfort.

10.Stretch Marks: Stretch marks may appear as your body makes room for your growing baby, which comes down to genetics. Slap on some moisturizer to keep the itchiness at bay – it works like a charm!

11.Nesting Instinct: Don’t be surprised if you suddenly want to clean and organize everything. It’s natural to want to do it all, but remember to take it easy and pass off some tasks when possible.

12.Changes in Baby’s Movements: You’ll notice your baby moving differently now that they have less space. Some changes in how much your little one wiggles are usual, but if you notice a significant drop in their movements, it’s time to ring up your doctor.

13.Diarrhea: This could happen due to hormonal changes or your body preparing for labor. The best plan? Keep guzzling water and go easy with plain, simple foods. If it decides to stick around longer than a few days, give your doctor a shout.

14.Headaches: These might come from stress or hormonal changes. Finding a cozy, dark spot to chill out and keeping up with the water can help smooth them out. And if it’s bugging you, a little Tylenol might do the trick – double-check with your doctor first.

15.Weird Dreams: With all the hormonal changes, expect some strange dreams. They can be fun and sharing them can be a hoot and a fun way to bond with friends and family.

16.A Touch of Clumsiness:  Your growing belly and loosening joints might make you feel more clumsy. Take things one step at a time and find the humor in these quirky little moments.

17.Weight Gain:  It’s normal to put on some pounds – after all, your baby is getting bigger. Keep feeding yourself well. And you know what’s great? A gentle walk or a bit of stretching whenever you feel like it can be just the thing to lift your spirits.

18.Leaky Breast: As you prepare for breastfeeding, you might notice your breasts starting to leak. It’s all part of the mom-to-be experience. Nursing pads? They’re like your stealthy little helpers. And here’s a mom secret: carry an extra blouse for those just-in-case moments.

19.Bigger Breasts: As your body gears up for breastfeeding, you might notice your breasts getting larger. Finding a well-fitting, comfortable bra becomes essential during this time.

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